So I make a resolution to write every day, and then today I forget about it until I'm at work, where I can't write. Luckily I still have time to write right now, and since It's still Sunday here, this counts. I suppose this is a good time to talk about some of the ideas I've had about stories I could write.
One idea--and if I do this one, I'll do it anonymously--is to parody/rewrite some of the works of a certain insane, homophobic, half-witted troll, who shall remain nameless because otherwise he would harass me for the rest of my life with death threats and insane rants.The main reason I haven't is because doing so anonymously would be kind of cowardly, and even if this freak has harassed people I know, he hasn't harassed me, so picking a fight with him would be pointless.
Last year when I was trying to learn the banjo, I came up with the idea of a man who calls himself Banjo Player X and travels through a sort of post apocalyptic world or something. I have been thinking of a couple of story ideas involving him. One involves a super hero I once had an idea for called Spatula Man. The other would be "Banjo Player X Vs. the Yoyogod."
I don't mean myself as the Yoyogod, of course. Back when I was a teenager, I wrote a story called "The Yoyogod," which was published on an early Internet magazine. I didn't get paid for it, and the magazine has long since disappeared, which is good because the story sucked. It was about a scientist who was trying to stop a being who could cast magic spells by performing yo-yo tricks. Lately I've been thinking I could reuse the idea as a Banjo Player X story. I'll have to see hoe it turns out.
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