I was having some trouble thinking of something to write about today, so I Googled "random writing prompt and found this. I hit the button, and got the following promt:
"You are the last surviving member of the human race. What do you do?"
Wow, that's a tough one. I suppose the first thing I'd do is check to be sure I am the last survivng member of the human race. You never know, maybe I'd get lucky and stumble across a busload of models or cheerleaders or something.
After that, I would gather some supplies and head south. I love Pennsylvania, but the winters here can get too cold, so with no one else around, there would soon be no power and no heating. Naturally, I would want to head for a more temperate climate.
I would want to find someplace with access to fresh water, like a river. I think a farmhouse of some sort would be ideal, since I would need to learn to grow my own food, and a farm should have that sort of thing.
Once I'd settled in somewhere, I would begin scavenging the surrounding area. I would want to gather together as much canned food and bottled water as possible--I would assume that human pollutants would persist in any river for at least a couple of years. I would also look for medical supplies, guns, ammunition, tools, other hardware, and books. Some sort of wood burning stove would probably be good as well.
Then I would try to learn as much as possible about farming from the books, and the Internet assuming it was still up. With any luck, the canned food would last me until I was able to be self supporting. I would also want to learn how to hunt, since I would like some meat to eat, too. Mind you, if there was livestock available, hunting might not be necessary.
With that, I would hopefully be able to live as long as possible. Since I would have plenty of books to read, I think I would still be reasonably happy.
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